Please don't let me go. You can keep homeschooling me.
난 학교 가기 싫어. 계속 홈스쿨 하면 되잖아.
I've taught you everything I know.
내가 아는 건 다 가르쳤어.
No more argument, OK? We've discussed this ad nauseam.
고집부리지 마. 질리게 얘기했잖아.
What's 'ad nauseam'?
'질리게'가 무슨 뜻이야?
You don't know? Wow, looks like someone needs a school.
몰라? 그러니까 학교 다녀야지.
Who can tell me three plus three is?
3 더하기 3이 뭔지 아는 사람?
Everyone knows it's six.
6이요. 너무 쉽잖아요.
Mary, can you tell me what 57 multiplied by 135 is?
메리, 57 곱하기 135가 몇이지?
What does 'ad nauseam' mean?
'질리게'가 무슨 뜻이에요?
I think your niece may be gifted. There are special schools.
조카가 영재 같은데 특수학교에 보내세요.
No. I promised my sister I would give Mary a normal life.
메이를 평범하게 키우겠다고 동생과 약속했어요.
Who's that lady in front of our door?
문 앞에 저 아줌마 누구야?
That would be your grandmother.
너희 할머니.
Holy, shit!
이런 맙소사!
It's a MacBook, darling.
맥북 노트북이란다.
You're denying the girl her potential.
아이 재능을 썩히고 있잖아.
How many seven-year-old kids do advanced calculus?
미적분을 푸는 7살짜리가 몇이나 돼?
Frank says, I'm not supposed to correct old people. Nobody likes a smart-ass.
애가 어른들한테 지적질하면 누가 좋아하겠어요?
We petition a court to grant my client full custody of the child.
제 의뢰인에게 양육권을 주십시오.
If anybody takes that baby away, I'll smuffocate you in your sleep.
메리를 뺏기면 나한테 죽을 줄 알아요.
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