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[통(通):영어]/트레일러 언박싱

[트레일러 언박싱] 닥터 스트레인지: 대혼돈의 멀티버스 | Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)


I did what I had to do to protect our world.
what I have to do 내가 해야할 일
protect 보호하다; 지키다


You cannot control everything, Strange.
control 통제하다
- remote control 리모컨


You opened the doorway between universes.
open 열다 <> close 닫다
doorway 출입구
universe 우주 > between universes 우주간에


Things just got out of hand.
things (처한) 상황
get out of hand 손을 쓸수 없다


It doesn't seem fair.
seem (생각해 보니) ~인 것 같다
fair 공평한 <> unfair 불공평한