🔊 Creation is an act of sheer will.
📌 creation 창조 > create 창조하다 > creator 창작자; 크리에이터
📌 act 행위
📌 will 의지; 유언장
🔊 We can't keep her here forever.
📌 keep 유지하다; 지키다
📌 forever 영원히 = for good
🔊 Humans and dinosaurs can't coexist.
📌 human 인간
📌 dinosaur 공룡
📌 coexist 공존하다 > exist 존재하다
🔊 We're subordinate to it.
📌 subordinate to ~에 종속되어 있는; ~의 지배를 받는
🔊 Bigger. Why do they alaways have to go bigger?
📌 bigger 더 큰 > go bigger 더 커지다
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