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[트레일러 언박싱] 닥터 스트레인지: 대혼돈의 멀티버스 | Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) I did what I had to do to protect our world. what I have to do 내가 해야할 일 protect 보호하다; 지키다 You cannot control everything, Strange. control 통제하다 - remote control 리모컨 You opened the doorway between universes. open 열다 close 닫다 doorway 출입구 universe 우주 > between universes 우주간에 Things just got out of hand. things (처한) 상황 get out of hand 손을 쓸수 없다 It doesn't seem fair. seem (생각해 보니) ~인 것 같다 fair 공평한 unfa..
[트레일러 언박싱] 수퍼소닉 | Sonic (2022) We need to get it back or the world is doomed. get ~ back ~을 되찾다 be doomed 파괴되다; 파멸되다 It's time to say goodbye to humanity. say goodbye 작별을 고하다 humanity 인류 Bad time to say this, but I don't actually have a plan. bad time to do ~하기에 그렇게 좋은 타이밍은 아니다 have a plan 계획이 있다 You're terrible at this. be terrible at ~하는 데 형편없다 We stick together. No matter what. stick together 다함께 힘을 합치다; 똘똘 뭉치다 no matter w..
[트레일러 언박싱] 킹 리처드 | King Richard (2021) 1 They got a call to say there was trouble in our house. 2 You'll need to look around. 3 It's a little wet for practice. Don't you think? 4 That's our job to keep my kids straight. 5 We got furture lawyers, doctors plus a couple of tennis stars in this house. 6 So...what do you think? 7 She's nervous. Make a step up. 8 I'm not gonna let you down. 9 You walk up there with your head up. 10 The mos..